Drill of the Week: Warrior Zone Entry Options


Make sure your players enter the zone with speed, puck control and a plan


A great drill to get your players skating, passing and thinking. Drill starts on whistle from both ends simultaneously. Players 1 and 2 swing past far blue line as shown. Player 6 makes pass to Player 2 and joins rush. Player 2 headmans the puck to Player 1.


Option 1: Player 1 drives wide with speed and shoots while Player 2 drives to net and Player 6 is the high man.


Option 2: Player 1 passes to Player 6 as Player 6 enters zone to shoot. Player 2 goes to net for screen and rebound.


Option 3: Players 1 and 2 crisscross for drop pass. Player 1 goes to net, Player 2 passes to Player 6 or 1 for shot.


Option 4: Player 1 delay curls and passes to Player 6 for shot. Player 2 goes to strong side post.


Option 5Player 1 delay curls and then cycle puck to player 2 in corner. Player 2 passes to Player 6 or 1 for shot.


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